Why Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

Why Should Wisdom Teeth Be Removed?

December 1, 2022

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

They are the last molars to grow in an adult’s mouth. Usually, wisdom teeth begin to erupt between ages 16 and 25. By the time your wisdom teeth begin to erupt, the rest of your adult teeth will already have developed. Therefore, if there is limited space in your jawbone, you are likely to experience various complications when your wisdom teeth start erupting.

Why Do Dentists Extract Wisdom Teeth?

Like any other tooth extraction procedure, dentists in Antoine drive remove wisdom teeth on a need basis. The dentist must comprehensively evaluate your oral cavity to determine whether it is necessary to remove your wisdom teeth. Technically, the following reasons warrant removing wisdom teeth in Central Northwest, Houston, TX:

  1. Impacted wisdom teeth – occur when the teeth erupt improperly. It becomes problematic when the tooth remains partially or wholly stuck under the gums. New oral complications arise when you have impacted wisdom teeth, including gum pain, swelling, jaw pain, and misalignment.
  2. Dental decay – wisdom teeth are very prone to dental cavities because of their location. Since they are hard to reach, many patients do not get around to cleaning their wisdom teeth well. Therefore, plaque and tartar buildup over time increases the risk of dental decay for wisdom teeth.
  3. Overcrowding – an orthodontist in a dental clinic in Central Northwest can recommend a wisdom tooth removal if you have inadequate space in your jawbone. Allowing the wisdom teeth to remain in your mouth causes a strain in your jaw alignment since teeth are crowded and overlapping.
  4. Risk of infection – dentists can recommend wisdom tooth removal when you have a heightened risk of oral infections. The infections can concern the adjacent teeth, the wisdom teeth, or your gums.

How Will My Wisdom Tooth Be Extracted?

The process of extracting a wisdom tooth is relative to the reason for its removal. For instance, extracting an impacted wisdom tooth is a bit different from the process of removing a tooth causing overcrowding.

The typical procedure for removing a wisdom tooth entails numbing the mouth first to assure a pain-free procedure. After numbing, sometimes dentists recommend sedation dentistry to ease patients by calming their nerves and promoting relaxation. Afterward, the dentist will cut the gums to expose the bone underneath, then remove it to access the tooth. Further. The dentist may need to break the target wisdom tooth into small pieces for easier extraction, especially when handling stubborn teeth.

Is The Wisdom Tooth Extraction Painful?

The extraction of any natural tooth is painful. The stakes are higher when extracting molars like wisdom teeth which are often deeply rooted in the jawbone. It is the reason our oral surgeons at SND Family Dental prioritize local anesthesia for numbing the mouth prior to any dental work. Besides, sedation dentistry can alleviate pain while promoting relaxation and calming your nerves. However, once the treatment ends and the numbing wears off, you are subject to undergo pain, soreness, bleeding, and tenderness in your gums and jaw. It is the reason you must be careful to follow the guidelines we provide for post-surgery care.

How to Manage Pain After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Immediately after your procedure, you will need help getting home as the sedative and the numbing wear off completely. Meanwhile, take up the following tips to help you manage your pain and alleviate the swelling, particularly during the first week of recovery:

  1. Take the prescribed medication – it should include pain relievers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and antibiotics. They will help alleviate the pain and swelling while lowering your risk of infection.
  2. Rest – use your time off work to rest without indulging in intense physical activity. While at it, use soft pillows for extra support on your head when you lie down. They will further elevate your head, preventing blood pooling in your head that can intensify your pain.
  3. Cold compress – place an ice pack against the affected side of the cheek for a few minutes with breaks in between. The low temperatures will reduce swelling and alleviate your pain.
  4. Eat soft foods only. Hard foods risk hurting your mouth and aggravating your pain levels.
  5. Avoid using straws – the last thing you want is a dry socket. It is a painful condition occurring when dry air gets into your mouth.
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